The Scarlet Veil


"Darkness is coming for us, Célie. It's coming for you too". Six months have passed since Célie took her sacred vows and joined the ranks of the Chasseurs as their first huntswoman. With her fiancé, Jean Luc, as captain : she is determined to find her foothold in her new role and protect Belterra after she failed to protect her sister. But whispers from the past still haunt her, and a new evil is rising - leaving bodies in its wake, each one decorated with twin puncture wounds in its throat.


Auteur: Mahurin, Shelby

Editeur: Electric Monkey

Collection: S124 JEUNESSE

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 622

Dimensions: 13,0 x 19,3 x 4,0

Prix publique: 14,80 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Jeunesse

Code Classification: 3722

EAN-13: 9780008582494

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