Sincerely Yours, Anna Sherwood

Sincerely Yours, Anna Sherwood - Beth Reekles


Annalise Sherwood has worked herself to the bone to win a place on a prestigious internship, and nothing is going to stop her now. Work hard, play later - that's her motto. She figures one night out before she starts the programme can't hurt, though - especially when it ends with the best kiss of her life.

But to Anna's horror, the mystery guy she kissed that night is none other than Lloyd, the boss's son. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he's everyone's favourite guy and a total charmer, swanning around like he owns the place. And from the moment they meet again, he rubs Anna up the wrong way.

As the summer - and the internship - progresses, Lloyd seems to be finding any excuse to annoy Anna, and she's not afraid to dish it right back. But when a lot of late night working brings them unexpectedly closer, she begins to wonder if romance might be on the agenda after all . . .


Auteur: Beth Reekles

Editeur: Penguin Books

Collection: 232 JEUNESSE

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 11 2Février3

Nombre de pages: 450

Dimensions: 13,0 x 13 x 3,0

Prix publique: 14,80 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9780241631157

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