Jackson Pollock Slashed Paint And Wasn'T Sorry

Jackson Pollock Slashed Paint And Wasn'T Sorry - Fausto Gilberti


Jackson Pollock was unlike any other painter. Instead of sitting in front of an easel with brushes, he poured paint over canvases rolled-out across the floor, moving, splashing, and making the vivid liquid run with energy and rhythm. Pollock's story is
told here with wit and eccentricity, perfectly paired with black-line illustrations - and splatters galore. Fausto Gilberti brings movement, life, and whimsy to the true life story of one of the most important contemporary artists of our time.


Auteur: Fausto Gilberti

Editeur: Phaidon

Format: Relié

Presentation: Relié

Date de parution: 06 2Janvier9

Nombre de pages: 48

Dimensions: 22,5 x 22,2 x 1,6

Prix publique: 14,95 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9780714879086

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