Shuna's Journey


Shuna, the prince of a poor land, watches in despair as his people work themselves to death harvesting the little grain that grows there. And so, when a traveler presents him with a sample of seeds from a mysterious western land, he sets out to find the source of the golden grain, dreaming of a better life for his subjects. It is not long before he meets a proud girl named Thea.

After freeing her from captivity, he is pursued by her enemies, and while Thea escapes north, Shuna continues toward the west, finally reaching the Land of the God-Folk. Will Shuna ever see Thea again? And will he make it back home from his quest for the golden grain?


Auteur: Hayao Miyazaki

Editeur: Saint Martins

Date de parution: 04 Novembre 2022

Poids: 460

Dimensions: 16,2 x 22,4 x 1,9

Prix publique: 26,40 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Bandes Dessinées, Comics, Mangas

Code Classification: 3771

EAN-13: 9781250846525

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