Le Week Du Pride Suivi De Les Galimatias

Le Week Du Pride Suivi De Les Galimatias - David Karape


This is a poetry book, which includes a poetic play Le Week du Pride and a collection of short poems Les galimatias. Le Week du Pride is a vibrant and picturesque representation of the life of several characters throughout a Pride Week in Toronto. A diverse, engaging setting of the Pride parade scene culminates the storyline. This is not only an art exposé of the event but also a distinct image of the human behaviours, attitudes and psycho-emotional evolution. Nothing is stagnant, and nothing is for certain.Les galimatias is a pile of verses, sometimes with and sometimes without a connecting line. They unfold in an inadvertent and intuitive manner allowing a reader to follow the complicated world of meaningless analogies and awkward subversive interpretations of the creative reality on the brink of volatile imagination. Expect for the unexpected...


Auteur: David Karape

Editeur: Books on demand

Collection: LLB.ARTS

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 65

Poids: 110

Prix publique: 8,25 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Littérature générale > Poésie

Code Classification: 3435 > 3633

EAN-13: 9781304386908

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