The Sisterhood


In Oceania, whoever you are, Big Brother is always watching you and trust is a luxury that no one has. Julia is the seemingly perfect example of what women in Oceania should be: dutiful, useful, subservient, meek. But Julia hides a secret. A secret that would lead to her death if it is discovered. For Julia is part of the underground movement called The Sisterhood, whose main goal is to find members of The Brotherhood, the anti-Party vigilante group, and help them to overthrow Big Brother. Only then can everyone be truly free.

When Julia thinks she’s found a potential member of The Brotherhood, it seems like their goal might finally be in their grasp. But as she gets closer to Winston Smith, Julia’s past starts to catch up with her and we soon realise that she has many more secrets than we’d first imagined – and that overthrowing Big Brother might cost her everything – but if you have nothing left to lose then you don’t mind playing the game . . .


Auteur: Katherine Bradley

Editeur: Simon & Schuster

Collection: 231 GRAND

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 16 Mars 2023

Dimensions: 15,2 x 23,4 x 2,7

Prix publique: 18,75 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Littérature générale

Code Classification: 3435

EAN-13: 9781398524033

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