Loki, born within the heart of a fire in the hollow of a tree-trunk, arrives in Asgard as an outsider. Over time, he goes on to become one of Odin's closest allies and plays an integral role in the rise of the Golden Era of the Gods - and their eventual destruction.
This book - told from the perspective of Loki, the trickster god - charts the history of Norse mythology, starting with the creation of heaven and earth and leading to the eventual downfall of the gods. Told deftly with complexity and nuance, we hear the famous stories of Odin's self-sacrifice on the World Tree and the murder of Balder the Beautiful, and how Loki fathered Odin's horse Sleipnir. This is a retelling of the cycle of Norse myths for modern times, written with the vividness and earthy, sometimes shocking humour for which this prize-winning author is famous.
Auteur: Melvin Burgess
Editeur: Hodder & Stoughton
Collection: 232 POCHE
Format: Broché
Presentation: Broché
Date de parution: 20 Juillet 2023
Dimensions: 12,8 x 19,6 x 2
Prix publique: 16,40 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Littérature générale
Code Classification: 3435
EAN-13: 9781399701532
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