When Women Were Dragons


Wisconsin, 19253. In a world where girls and women are taught to be quiet, the dragons inside them are about to be set free - and nothing will ever be the same again. When hundreds of thousands of ordinary women sprout wings, scales and talons and take to the skies in a blaze of fire and fury, Alex Green is one of those left behind. And no one will talk about what happened. Best forgotten, everyone says.


Auteur: Barnhill, Kelly

Editeur: Hot Key Books

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 08 Juin 2023

Nombre de pages: 340

Dimensions: 13,0 x 12,8 x 2,0

Prix publique: 12,90 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9781471412226

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