You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight


Charity Curtis has the summer job of her dreams, playing the “final girl” at Camp Mirror Lake. Guests pay to be scared in this full-contact terror game, as Charity and her summer crew recreate scenes from a classic slasher film, Curse of Camp Mirror Lake. The more realistic the fear, the better for business.

But in the last weekend of the season, Charity's co-workers begin disappearing. And when one ends up dead, Charity's role as the final girl suddenly becomes all too real. If Charity and her girlfriend Bezi hope to survive the night, they'll need to figure out what this killer is after. Is there more to the story of Mirror Lake and its dangerous past than Charity ever suspected?


Auteur: Kalynn Bayron

Editeur: Bloomsbury

Collection: 231 JEUNESSE

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 08 Juin 2023

Nombre de pages: 227

Dimensions: 13,0 x 12,8 x 1,5

Prix publique: 14,80 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9781526658463

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