The Lincoln Highway


1954. Eighteen-year-old Emmett returns home after serving a short sentence for involuntary manslaughter. Along with his younger brother Billy, he decides to embark on a road trip to find his long-lost mother. But as Emmett and Billy depart, they're joined by two runaways from the youth work farm, Duchess and Woolly, who have followed Emmett all the way to Nebraska with a plan of their own, one that will take the four of them on an unexpected and fateful journey in the opposite direction - to New York City.


Auteur: Towles, Amor

Editeur: Penguin Random House

Collection: 222 POCHE

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 30 Juin 2022

Nombre de pages: 570

Dimensions: 12,8 x 19,7 x 3,6

Prix publique: 15,40 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Littérature générale

Code Classification: 3435

EAN-13: 9781529157642

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