The Daughter of Doctor Moreau

The Daughter of Doctor Moreau - Silvia Moreno-Garcia


Carlota Moreau: growing up in a distant and luxuriant estate, safe from the conflict and strife of the Yucatan peninsula, she is the only daughter of an eccentric, and dangerous, genius. His experiments, a motley group of hybrid monstrosities, are blindly loyal to their creator.

Into Carlota's strange but perfectly balanced world comes Eduardo Lizalde, the charming, careless son of Doctor Moreau's patrons. In the sweltering heat of the jungle, amidst her father's secrets and her own awakening feelings, Carlota will begin asking questions that could ignite a conflagration.


Auteur: Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Editeur: Quercus

Collection: 232 POCHE

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 20 Juillet 2023

Nombre de pages: 307

Prix publique: 15,40 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9781529418019

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