Blue and white done right


The legendary Schumacher design house presents an inspiring interiors survey exploring the versatile and transformative use of blue and white Divided by style (charming, modern, boho, traditional, etc.), Schumacher will take you on a tour of the best of blue and white decorating, featuring interiors that show just how versatile this color combination can be. The book features a guide to iconic blue and white colors (from robin's egg to sky, to cerulean and oyster, to alabaster to porcelain) as well as a roundup of best-in-class product from tabletop to fabrics and wallcoverings.


Auteur: Hudson Moore



Format: Relié

Presentation: Relié

Date de parution: 12 Octobre 2023

Nombre de pages: 132

Poids: 1000

Dimensions: 21,1 x 30 x 2,2

Prix publique: 49,95 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Beaux livres illustrés (histoire, nature, mode, transports...)

Code Classification: 3667 > 3710

EAN-13: 9781580936354

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