Plaza Athénée (édition anglaise)

Plaza Athénée (édition anglaise) - Marc Lambron


Discover the enchanting world of Plaza Athénée, a twenty-first-century palace celebrated in collaboration with chef Jean Imbert. This book takes you on a journey through 220 destinations, showcasing the elegance and French hospitality that have made this Parisian landmark legendary. With sumptuous decor and refined cuisine, Plaza Athénée continues to inspire and delight guests on prestigious Avenue Montaigne. Dive into this captivating story with stunning photography, an exclusive introduction from Jean Imbert, and memorable insights from French Academy member Marc Lambron.


Auteur: Marc Lambron

Editeur: Assouline

Collection: CLASSICS

Format: Broché

Date de parution: 10 Octobre 2023

Nombre de pages: 272

Poids: 2900

Dimensions: 24,7 x 33 x 3,7

Prix publique: 105,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Beaux livres illustrés (histoire, nature, mode, transports...) > Lieux, paysage, pays, voyages

Code Classification: 3667 > 3710 > 3718

EAN-13: 9781649802880

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