Wild : the naturalistic garden

Wild : the naturalistic garden - Noel Kingsbury, Claire Takacs


An in-depth, global survey of naturalistic planting today, featuring over 40 stunning gardens Written by planting expert and prolific author, Noel Kingsbury, this is the first comprehensive overview of naturalistic planting in gardens around the world. From a perennial meadow in Somerset, England, to a drought-resistant garden in Australia, Wild features the work of leading designers alongside private garden owners and makers - each brought to lite with beautiful photography by award-winning photographer, Claire Takacs, and insightful text.


Auteur: Noel Kingsbury, Claire Takacs

Editeur: Phaidon

Format: Relié

Presentation: Relié

Date de parution: 03 Mars 2022

Nombre de pages: 320

Poids: 1000

Dimensions: 21 x 27,7 x 3,2

Prix publique: 49,95 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Jardinage > Jardin d'ornement, fleurs

Code Classification: 3802 > 3882 > 3883

EAN-13: 9781838661052

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