Superpowered Animals
Inspired by books of world records, children are invited to learn fascinating facts about 22 of the most incredible animals on Earth Over thousands of years of evolution, certain animals have become masters of survival. They are capable of exceptional abilities, from perceiving sounds and smells that humans can't detect, to creating powerful chemical formulas
Auteur: Soledade Romero Marino
Editeur: Phaidon
Format: Relié
Presentation: Relié
Date de parution: 08 Mars 2024
Nombre de pages: 60
Dimensions: 24,7 x 30,8 x 1,3
Prix publique: 19,95 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Jeunesse > Documentaire / Encyclopédie
Code Classification: 3722 > 3760
EAN-13: 9781838667238
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