What A Rock Can Reveal
Award-winning science writer and geologist Maya Wei-Haas introduces young readers to the fascinating world of rocks through the art of observation. Starting with a friendly question-and-answer format, she explores the diversity of rocks and minerals and how a rock's shape, color, or texture help to tell the stories of how it was formed, where it comes from, and the incredible journeys it has had. This hands-on introduction reveals how rocks are time capsules of our planet's past, recording the thrilling events that once built Earth's incredible geology.
Auteur: Xxx
Editeur: Phaidon
Format: Album
Presentation: Relié
Date de parution: 08 Mars 2024
Nombre de pages: 48
Dimensions: 26,1 x 32,3 x 1,3
Prix publique: 19,95 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Jeunesse > Documentaire / Encyclopédie
Code Classification: 3722 > 3760
EAN-13: 9781838667894
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