101 Things to do on a Walk -anglais-
101 Things to do on a Walk is a fun, practical, creative book filled with activities to do while on trips out in nature - both locally, and not so locally. Take this book with you on a walk with the family to provide inspiration for nature-themed crafts and activities - from bird-spotting, bark rubbing and macro insect photography to playing Pooh sticks, identifying wildlife and building a den.
Beautifully presented with a mixture of illustrations and photography, this title will help children to unlock their imaginations and get in touch with the natural world all around them.
Auteur: Lonely planet eng
Editeur: Lonely Planet Kids
Format: Relié
Presentation: Broché
Date de parution: 29 Juin 2023
Nombre de pages: 111
Dimensions: 17,2 x 21,6 x 1
Prix publique: 13,90 €
Information complémentaires
Numéro de série: 101
Classification: Livres pratiques > Tourisme, Guides et Monographies > Guides de tourisme (destination) > Guide d'Europe
Code Classification: 3802 > 3803 > 3804 > 3805
EAN-13: 9781838695972
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