French Riviera

French Riviera - Xxx


THE GREEN GUIDE. Our editors have selected : - Charming hotels and restaurants, recommended sights, and driving and walking tours to suit your stay. - Sights and attractions rated by the Michelin star system. - Hotels and Restaurants for every budget. 44 MICHELIN maps and plans.


Auteur: Xxx

Editeur: Michelin

Collection: GUIDE VERT (LE)

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 03 Janvier 2020

Nombre de pages: 432

Dimensions: 12 x 22 x 1,6

Prix publique: 15,40 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Tourisme, Guides et Monographies > Guides de tourisme (destination) > Guides France

Code Classification: 3802 > 3803 > 3804 > 3813

EAN-13: 9782067240568

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