(Re)invent your business model - 2e éd.

(Re)invent your business model - 2e éd. - Jean- Marc Schoettl


Innovation is the new business imperative. Every company, big or small, and regardless of its industry, is trying to find the magic formula for innovation. Odyssey 3.14 offers an original approach through invitation to a real journey that combines innovation and strategy. Starting with the 3 pillars that make up the business model, this approach recommends 14 directions to consider for inventing or reinventing the business model.

Odyssey 3.14 is the result of over ten years of research, consulting and teaching by the three authors. They have thoroughly analysed over 80 companies that have successfully invented or reinvented their business models.

This new edition is enriched with recent examples and offers 50 real cases of invention or reinvention of the business model. They aim to inspire you to take action!


Auteur: Jean- Marc Schoettl

Editeur: Dunod

Collection: Hors Collection

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 19 Juin 2024

Nombre de pages: 232

Dimensions: 24,5 x 15,7 x 1,8

Prix publique: 31,50 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 2

Classification: Management, Gestion et Économie d'entreprise > Stratégie

Code Classification: 3177 > 3190

EAN-13: 9782100866380

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