Paléorient 49.1

Paléorient 49.1 - Collectif


Dossier thématique/Thematic IssueCoordonné par/coordinated by A. BeshkaniLe Paléolithique de la péninsule arabique : état de la recherche /The Palaeolithic of the Arabian Peninsula: State of Research
Dossier thématique/Thematic Issuecoordonné par/coordinated by A. Beshkani
The Palaeolithic of the Arabian Peninsula: State of ResearchLe Paléolithique de la péninsule arabique : état de la recherche
A. Marks, Introduction. A Personal Trip into Arabian Prehistory: Past, Present And Future
O. Barzilai, M. Oron, E. Cohen-Sasson, G. Ragolski and Y. Avni, Handaxes and Cleavers on Flakes ofSilicified Limestone at Nahal Barak, Southern Negev and Possible Connections to the ArabianPeninsula Acheulian
A. Beshkani, T. Beuzen-Waller, S. Kim, M. Jean and M. Sauvage, Tracing Palaeolithic Populations acrossthe Horn of Arabia: Northern Oman
K. Bretzke and K. Herkert, Jebel Faya and the Middle to Late Pleistocene Transition: Settlement Continuityand Behavioural Flexibility
J. I. Rose, V. I. Usyk, Y. Hilbert, R. Garba, A. Beshkani, D. Chlachula, M. M. Jaboob and A. E. Marks,Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in Southern Oman from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Neolithic
S. Bonilauri, A. Beshkani, M. Pagli and E. Boëda, Production and Structural Tendency of Levallois Pointsin the Late Middle Palaeolithic of the Near East Steppe Zones and Arabia
Y. H. Hilbert, M. López Correa, C. Mazzoli, R. Crassard, F. Negrino, M. Cremaschi, I. Clemente-Conteand T. Uthmeier, From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers: Contributions of Traceology to the Study of PrehistoricLithic Technology in Arabia
J. I. Rose, Conclusion. Progress Report on the State of Palaeolithic Research in Arabia
VariaR. Alcàntara, A. Sierra, L. Gourichon, M. Saña, J. Alejandre, L. Teira, J. Vardi and F. Borrell,Hunting at the Fringe of the Desert: Animal Exploitation at Nahal Efe (Northern Negev, Israel) duringthe Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
M. Rousou, Vegetation History and the Exploitation and Use of Plant Resources in Aceramic Neolithic Cyprus:An Assessment of Recent Archaeobotanical Research
L. Bender Jørgensen, A. Rast-Eicher and W. Wendrich, Earliest Evidence for Textile Technologies
A. P. Agelarakis, L. M. DiFrancesco, L. Delasos, J. Samodulski, A. Kanta and P. G. Agelarakis,A Rare Case of Chondroblastoma from Neolithic Crete of the 7th Millennium BCE


Auteur: Collectif


Collection: REVUES & SERIES

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 14 Décembre 2023

Nombre de pages: 250

Dimensions: 22,4 x 28,2 x 1,5

Prix publique: 57,00 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 49

EAN-13: 9782271147721

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