GeopOlympics - English version

GeopOlympics - English version - Kévin Veyssiere


Why have the Olympic Games always been a geopolitical event in their own right? How did the Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968, Moscow in 1980 and Barcelona in 1992 reflect international tensions, despite the Olympics' political neutrality? In 2024, what are the stakes for France in the Paris Olympics, against the backdrop of the Israeli- Palestinian and Russian-Ukrainian conflicts? Why have new powers such as China, Qatar and Saudi Arabia made the organization of the Games an objective of their influence strategy?In his fourth book, Kévin Veyssière invites sports fans, geography buffs and the curious to explore the history of our world through the Olympic Games. From Athens in 1896 to Paris in 2024, he unveils the most striking geopolitical backdrops to a theater of 206 nations, where sporting performances and power games come together.
Kévin Veyssière, 32, is the founder of of the Football Club Geopolitics, a medium that popularizes geopolitics and sports over 70,000 subscribers on social networks. He is  already the author of three books (Football Club Geopolitics, Mondial and Planète rugby) published by Max Milo.


Auteur: Kévin Veyssiere

Editeur: Max Milo

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 17 Juillet 2024

Dimensions: 14,6 x 52,5 x 1,8

Prix publique: 19,90 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Sports et loisirs > Olympisme, para-olympisme

Code Classification: 3802 > 3864 > 4016

EAN-13: 9782315021789

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