Absurd meaning, Love pursuit
It's intimate, raw, sensitive, sexual, funny. Share the adventures of a young man who dared to do what the majority will never dare, and live his daily life for more than a year from Europe to Asia, in 1990.
For all those who dream of vacations in large hotels, organized group trips, lazing around on deckchairs-pool or who like crowded cruises, this book is not for you. But if you like seeing the country differently, confronting yourself with wacky, funny, crazy, sometimes torrid or downright chilling situations, then you're going to enjoy this dry and snappy style, without frills, and always with humor and sensitivity.
Pages full of questioning and exposure of the author. He is like you. Aren't we all the same? You enter his heart, which is not so different from yours, with perhaps a little more courage, and a need for new spiritual answers. He gives us his intimate version of his experiences to better understand our lives. It's day by day. The adventure takes us, we are there, we travel and it goes fast!
Between meditative serenity and debauchery, stupor and lust in Asia. From noisy capitals to the depths of the Thai jungle, in a Buddhist monastery surrounded by cobras where his life will take on a new spiritual impetus, he takes us on a thrilling and warm inner adventure.
Extract :
At the Reggae Pub, I am accosted by the prettiest Thai girl I have ever seen, very sexy, too much so perhaps. I can't tell if it's a guy or a girl because the result is amazing, I'm stunned. I'm amazed, drooling at the corners of my mouth, fine droplets beading on my temples... Immediately after the usual "What's your name", he or she offers me to have sex, because her parents are poor and she wants to get an ostrich clitoris, something like that. It was too quick anyway for her not to be a whore who whores. Well, gently, I tell her to fuck off to the smurfs and get herself another sucker, but she doesn't know smurfs. I go back to the bar. There, I meet another Thai girl, pretty, nice, not aggressive like "hello, what's your name, you want to fuck ?", so more in my idealo-romantic-obsessed state of mind. We spend the evening dancing, kissing. God, it's good to touch a woman again!
Auteur: Philippe Gregoire
Editeur: Books on Demand
Format: Broché
Presentation: Broché
Date de parution: 08 Février 2023
Nombre de pages: 316
Dimensions: 15,5 x 22 x 2,2
Prix publique: 19,60 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Livres pratiques > Santé et Bien-être (santé physique et mentale, hygiène, sexualité, psychologie, pédagogie, enfants) > Développement personnel
Code Classification: 3802 > 3825 > 3831
EAN-13: 9782322092086
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