Coaching SDHEA for beginners

Coaching SDHEA for beginners - Jean-louis Penin


Many of you have asked for a simplified version of the book LE COACHING SDHEA, a manual of 636 pages in French*, almost unsuitable for newcomers, but biblical for all professionals, doctors or psychologists, for reflexologists, naturopaths, psychiatrists, from the medical world and the medical world, and the systemic technical therapies included in the book allow you to: to train a professional in a very short time, from a few hours to a few weeks.
But that is not the purpose of this book, but rather to allow you to re-read the book from a new angle that concerns you and that is only just beginning.
The reader will not look for solutions to his personal case (stress, disorders due to disaster situations, demoralization, suicidal thoughts or various apathies, loss of a loved one ...), but he will find them when reading this book. He will then find the solution to his problem on his own, almost without realizing it.
You already have free access to MP3 tools on the site that can help you reduce or eliminate stress.
Usable tools such as emotion management, dietetics or sports, memory control, NLP, Eriksonian hypnosis, relaxation or sophrology in a systemic way allow you to respond to the problems of the moment. The book is published in six languages.


Auteur: Jean-louis Penin

Editeur: Books on Demand

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 16 Octobre 2023

Nombre de pages: 308

Dimensions: 12 x 19 x 1,9

Prix publique: 16,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Santé et Bien-être (santé physique et mentale, hygiène, sexualité, psychologie, pédagogie, enfants) > Développement personnel

Code Classification: 3802 > 3825 > 3831

EAN-13: 9782322487271

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