Finitude, Crossing, Blurring Boundaries and Disrupting Tradition in Ordained by the Oracle

Finitude, Crossing, Blurring Boundaries and Disrupting Tradition in Ordained by the Oracle - Amadou Ouedraogo


The book analyzes the novel Ordained by the Oracle through socio-cultural, symbolic and anthropological frameworks. It examines funeral rituals, the duality between the visible and invisible worlds, and the role of the oracle, spirits and ancestors in society. The study sheds light on the notions of space, time, myth and reality in the Akan society. It demonstrates that literature crosses disciplinary boundaries and can be seen as a form of anthropology. The analysis will be of interest to students and researchers in African studies, literature, religion, culture, sociology, and anthropology.


Auteur: Amadou Ouedraogo

Editeur: L'Harmattan

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 04 Janvier 2024

Nombre de pages: 154

Dimensions: 13,5 x 21,5 x 0,9

Prix publique: 17,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Sciences humaines et sociales, Lettres > Lettres et Sciences du langage > Lettres

Code Classification: 3080 > 3146 > 4024

EAN-13: 9782336419688

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