Education and Artificial Intelligence

Education and Artificial Intelligence - Claude Vivier Le Got


How can the development and usage of AI resonate with the educational sector?
The stakes are clear: it aims to examine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the education triangle “teacher, student and knowledge” on the one hand and consider the necessary regulation linked to the usage of AI in education on the other.
To carry out this project, the Federation for European Education has organized a study day animated by seven international experts.
A collection of their contributions with a foreword by Mr. Villano QIRIAZI, Head of Education at the Council of Europe, this publication purpose a critical analysis of the media discourse on AI without neglecting the innovative initiatives for AI education and the service in education.
The objective here is to present how to teach and learn with AI, but also AI literacy and teaching and learning about AI.


Auteur: Claude Vivier Le Got

Editeur: Connaissances

Format: Broché

Date de parution: 14 Mars 2024

Nombre de pages: 76

Poids: 301

Prix publique: 11,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Parascolaire > Classiques pédagogiques

Code Classification: 3013 > 3038

EAN-13: 9782342372748

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