

On June 6,1944 over 150,000 American, Canadian and British soldiers landed on the Normandy beaches. Their aim was to liberate France, then occupied by the Germans. What was the main cause of World War II ? How did the landings take place ? Follow hour by hour the account of this incredible day.


Auteur: Xxx

Editeur: Petite Boite (La)

Collection: La France racontée aux enfants

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 24

Dimensions: 16,5 x 23,0 x 0,2

Prix publique: 4,90 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Jeunesse > Éveil, petite enfance (- de 3 ans) > Albums

Code Classification: 3722 > 3723 > 3725

EAN-13: 9782361522360

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