Secret Louisiana

Secret Louisiana - Chris Champagne


For those who know how to leave behind the beaten paths, Secret Louisiana is full of surprising details and curious insights. It will even amaze its inhabitants as well as visitors who think they know it well. The smallest church in the world, a tree where old shoes promise to unburden your soul, a family home built from found objects such as window shutter, trampolines, and eight waterpark slides, the grave of married dogs, the only example of congo style architecture built by African Americans, one of the finest examples of folk art in the world built by one man on the side of a bayou, ancient Native American objects whose purpose is unknown, the one-time capital of Texas, one of the most humorous 'battles " of World War II, millions of years old fossils on the side of a highway, the site of the finest wedding ever to take place in the South, the world's largest bald cypress tree...


Auteur: Chris Champagne

Editeur: Jonglez

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 288

Dimensions: 10,8 x 19,2 x 1,9

Prix publique: 18,95 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Livres pratiques > Tourisme, Guides et Monographies > Guides de tourisme (destination) > Guide d'Amérique du Nord

Code Classification: 3802 > 3803 > 3804 > 3809

EAN-13: 9782361956752

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