Charlie And The Sports Day Surprise , Hello Kids Readers - Level 1

Charlie And The Sports Day Surprise , Hello Kids Readers - Level 1 - Danièle Bourdais, Yannick Robert, Sue Finnie


Today is Sports Day. Charlie's school organises a big competition : the winning team will get tickets to the Wimbledon final. Will Charlie, Tommy and their team win first prize ? With the Hello Kids Readers series, join Charlie and his friends on their fun adventures in London ! Hello, I'm Charlie ! Join me and my friends on this new adventure ! Today is Sports Day. Our school organises a big competition : the winning team will get tickets to the Wimbledon final ! Who will win the first prize ? With this story, you can : learn important sport-related words... discover interesting facts about top world sports... revise superlative adjectives... learn how to express what you are good (or bad) at... know about sport in Britain with my Culture double page.


Auteur: Danièle Bourdais, Yannick Robert, Sue Finnie

Editeur: ABC Melody


Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Livre-CD

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 40

Dimensions: 16,0 x 21,0 x 0,6

Prix publique: 11,50 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 1

Classification: Jeunesse > Fiction Jeunesse

Code Classification: 3722 > 3744

EAN-13: 9782368360972

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