Charlie And The New York Mystery

Charlie And The New York Mystery - Maisie Fieschi


Charlie and his friend James fly to New York City to visit Charlie's pen-pal, Lily. But Lily is not there... and a scary zombie chases them down the street ! Now they must search the park for their friend, and make it out alive... With the Hello Kids Readers series, join Charlie and his friends on their fun adventures around the world ! Each title in the series offers : colourful illustrations, a picture dictionary (key-words underlined in the text), 8 pages of fun activities, online key to activities, a culture double page, cross-references between text and activities, an audio CD (story + picture dictionary).


Auteur: Maisie Fieschi

Editeur: ABC Melody


Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Livre-CD

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 37

Dimensions: 16,0 x 21,0 x 0,4

Prix publique: 11,50 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Jeunesse > Fiction Jeunesse

Code Classification: 3722 > 3744

EAN-13: 9782368361948

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