Paris Find Me If You Can! - A Game Book To Learn About History
Paris, Find me... if you can !A game book to learn about history Have fun going back in time and looking for characters hiding in the pictures!A great journey throughout history... Will you come along for the ride?But bear in mind, visiting Paris during the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages and the French Revolution will be no picnic. Budding explorers will have to keep their eyes peeled to spot their tour guides hiding in disguise among the crowds. Will you manage to find them?
Auteur: Lise Herzog
Editeur: Parigramme
Format: Album
Presentation: Relié
Date de parution:
Nombre de pages: 64
Dimensions: 28,6 x 28,6 x 1,1
Prix publique: 14,90 €
Information complémentaires
Classification: Jeunesse > Livres illustrés (+ de 3 ans) > Albums
Code Classification: 3722 > 3728 > 3730
EAN-13: 9782373952322
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