European Review of Service Economics and Management

European Review of Service Economics and Management - Faïz Gallouj


<p>Dimitar Zlatinov, Sonia Georgieva, "Introduction to the special issue on services developments from the perspective of Central and Eastern European" Vania Ivanova, Stela Raleva, Ilia Atanasov, "Development of information and communication services in Central Eastern Europe. Opportunities and trends" Rayna Pehlivanska, "Remote, hybrid, or office work - the choice and the reasons for it for employees in Bulgaria" Stefan Petranov, Dimitar Zlatinov, "Trends of international portfolio investment flows in EU member-states from Southeast Europe. To where does the money flow?" Zhelyu Vladimirov, "A new approach for clustering domestic tourists visiting heritage sites in the city of Shumen (Bulgaria)" Desislava Yordanova, Albena Pergelova, Tsvetan Davidkov, Raya Kanazireva, "The role of entrepreneurial learning for fostering technopreneurial attitudes among Bulgarian STEM students"</p>


Auteur: Faïz Gallouj



Date de parution: 07 Mai 2024

Nombre de pages: 208

Dimensions: 15 x 22 x 1,2

Prix publique: 49,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Sciences économiques > Économie de la mondialisation et du développement

Code Classification: 3305 > 3306

EAN-13: 9782406170082

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