Guide To 3D Modeling


The Guide to 3D Modeling provides a systematic and structured approach to 3D modeling that focuses on the visual representation of the solid. The strategy adopted for presenting these concepts is simple and effective : one page, one topic. This way, the reader has access at a glance to an overview of all the information on a given topic. The Guide contains the basic principles of part modeling, the steps for achieving fully constrained sketches, the 3D signature of the various base solids from which to start a model, the transformation and dress-up of an existing solid, and an introduction to parts assembly.


Auteur: Cincou Andre

Editeur: Polytechnique Montréal

Collection: CURSUS

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Spiralé

Date de parution: 04 Novembre 2020

Nombre de pages: 48

Dimensions: 21 x 15 x 4

Prix publique: 15,48 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 3

Classification: Techniques et Sciences appliquées > Mécanique

Code Classification: 3069 > 3073

EAN-13: 9782553017254

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