Sales Representatives !

Sales Representatives ! - Pierre-Olivier GIFFARD, Mike BURGESS


Our environment is constantly changing: new technologies, changes in purchasing behaviour, instantaneous information available to almost everyone, public health issues...In this highly competitive context, the sales function is more than ever the driving force of the company, which is looking for professional salespersons capable of adapting, selling successfully and achieving their objectives.To effectively meet these challenges, the salesperson needs to be prepared and to have tools that can be quickly used and adapted to the following situations:➜ Prospecting,➜ Preparing appointments,➜ The discovery of needs,➜ Argumentation,➜ Negotiation,➜ Building customer loyalty. 


Auteur: Pierre-Olivier GIFFARD, Mike BURGESS

Editeur: ESKA

Format: Broché

Date de parution: 12 Septembre 2024

Nombre de pages: 185

Prix publique: 29,00 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9782747235006

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