Coffee: Terroirs and Qualities

Coffee:  Terroirs and Qualities - Peter Biggins


This is a new revised and enhanced version of Cafés : terroirs et qualités published in 2003. It arose form meetings between people who study coffee growing from different angles: the plant itself, a geographical and socio-economic approach; its cultivation and processing, and agronomic and technological approach.

Taking concrete examples, it analyses the relation between terroirs and qualities; it also examines the role of quality in coffee sector revival programmes, and how the coffee supply chains perform in the face of market realities. It is intended for a broad readership: researchers, students, managers in the coffee supply chain, representatives from producer groups, policy-markers and manufacturers.


Auteur: Peter Biggins

Editeur: Quae

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 28 Février 2007

Nombre de pages: 174

Dimensions: 16 x 24 x 1,1

Prix publique: 25,40 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Techniques et Sciences appliquées > Agriculture

Code Classification: 3069 > 3070

EAN-13: 9782759200283

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