Succeed all your 2024 exams: Analysis of the novel of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath
Succeed all your 2024 exams with our literary analysis of the novel of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath! Endorsed by a team of professors, this study guide is a go-to resource for all students. Thanks to our editorial work, the following aspects will no longer be a mystery to you: the author's biography, the book's summary, the in-depth study of the work, the analysis of the key themes to know and the literary movement to which the author is affiliated.
Auteur: John Steinbeck
Collection: EXAMS BOOKS
Format: Broché
Date de parution: 12 2Février3
Nombre de pages: 60
Poids: 74
Dimensions: 12 x 19 x 0,5
Prix publique: 19,90 €
Information complémentaires
Numéro de série: 2024
Classification: Parascolaire > Classiques pédagogiques
Code Classification: 3013 > 3038
EAN-13: 9782759316465
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