Study guide Iphigenia by Jean Racine (in-depth literary analysis and complete summary)

Study guide Iphigenia by Jean Racine (in-depth literary analysis and complete summary) - Jean Racine


The "Literary Knowledge" collection offers you the possibility to know everything about Iphigenia by Jean Racine, thanks to a complete and detailed study guide. The clear and accessible writing allows for a better understanding of the work analyzed. This study guide also complies with quality standards set up by a team of experienced teachers. It contains Jean Racine's biography, a presentation of the drama, a detailed summary (scene by scene), the reasons for its success, its main themes, and a study of the literary movement of the book.


Auteur: Jean Racine



Format: Broché

Date de parution: 02 Mai 2024

Nombre de pages: 44

Poids: 58

Dimensions: 12 x 19 x 0,4

Prix publique: 6,99 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Parascolaire > Classiques pédagogiques

Code Classification: 3013 > 3038

EAN-13: 9782759317523

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