XV Antitrust between EU Law and National Law / Antitrust fra diritto nazionale e diritto dell'unione e

XV Antitrust between EU Law and National Law / Antitrust fra diritto nazionale e diritto dell'unione e - Enrico Adriano Raffaelli


The most salient and current issues in the antitrust field, at international, EU and national level
The book includes the papers drafted by the authors who took part as speakers in the XV Treviso Antitrust Conference, regarding the most salient and current issues in the antitrust field, at international, EU and national level.


Auteur: Enrico Adriano Raffaelli

Editeur: Bruylant (Emile)

Collection: UAE

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 11 Mai 2023

Nombre de pages: 638

Dimensions: 16 x 24 x 3,3

Prix publique: 135,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Droit > Droit de l'Union européenne

Code Classification: 3259 > 3280

EAN-13: 9782802772699

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