The Problem With Pink
Playing happily on their private pink carpet, each day is full of fun and stories for friends Alix, Sacha, Lou and Noa. From afar, the outside world seeps into their games. A plane flies overhead ? They grow long, long wings. It starts raining ? No problem : they splash in the puddles, instantly waterproof. But everything changes when they get the terrible news from the outside : the colour pink is for girls.
Auteur: Erika Tremblay-Roy -
Editeur: Lansman
Format: Broché
Presentation: Broché
Date de parution: 09 Août 2019
Nombre de pages: 44
Dimensions: 11,9 x 17,9 x 0,4
Prix publique: 10,00 €
Information complémentaires
EAN-13: 9782807102521
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