In The House Of Lies

In The House Of Lies - Ian Rankin


Stuart Bloom's body has just been found in Poretoun Woods, south-east of Edinburgh. He had disappeared in 2006 and a few mistakes were made during the original investigation. Detective Inspector Siobhan Clarke now wants to uncover the truth, with the help of John Rebus - a cop who is supposed to be retired. But it seems everyone connected with the case is hiding something... Envie de lire en anglais ? Dorénavant, c'est possible grâce à Harrap's.


Auteur: Ian Rankin

Editeur: Harrap's

Collection: Yes you can

Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution:

Nombre de pages: 460

Dimensions: 12,5 x 19,2 x 2,2

Prix publique: 9,95 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Littérature générale > Romans > Romans étrangers

Code Classification: 3435 > 3442 > 3444

EAN-13: 9782818707500

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