Functional disorders in musicians

Functional disorders in musicians - Raoul Tubiana


Is it indispensable for a musician to learn anatomy and physiology? Certainly not. Most musicians have no precise knowledge of the biological arrangement of the many structures required to execute complex movements, with no consequences on their performance level. However, this ignorance mal, lead to the many medical disorders that may, interrupt their career. Recent epidemiologic studies have shown the frequency of professional pathology on musicians, and there is now a wide agreement that music teachers, the medical community as well as musicians should be informed of the clinical aspect of these disorders, and of the many factors which are at their origin, in order to establish preventive measures. This book is intended: - to share knowledge of functional anatomy; - to describe the professional mdical problems that may occur in musicians; - to elaborate a list of risk factors and a certain number of appropriate methods of prevention.


Auteur: Raoul Tubiana

Editeur: Elsevier Masson

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 09 20Janvier

Nombre de pages: 196

Poids: 403

Dimensions: 17,2 x 24,0 x 1,1

Prix publique: 40,00 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9782842993269

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