Amis, 120 Years With the Musée national d'art moderne


The Society of Friends of the Center Pompidou, heir to the Society of Friends of the Musée du Luxembourg created in 1903, has participated for 120 years with passion and generosity in promoting the collections now kept at the National Museum of Modern Art. First installed at the Palais de Tokyo before moving to the Center Pompidou in 1977, the Museum has always benefited from the support of the Friends to develop a collection of modern and contemporary art that has become one of the richest in the world. It is to the history of this community of art lovers - collectors, gallery owners, artists - and to its great French and international philanthropic figures that this work pays a fitting tribute, at a time when national collections are open to new horizons.


Auteur: Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov

Editeur: Centre Pompidou


Format: Grand Format

Presentation: Relié

Date de parution: 08 Novembre 2023

Nombre de pages: 256

Poids: 1000

Dimensions: 23,8 x 31,4 x 3

Prix publique: 45,00 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 120

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Catalogues d'expositions

Code Classification: 3667 > 4055

EAN-13: 9782844269669

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