Marine Biotechnology: an Overview of Leading Fields

Marine Biotechnology: an Overview of Leading Fields - Société européenne pour la biotechnologie marine, Colloque


The IXth meeting of the European Society for Marine Biotechnology held on 12-14 May 2002 in Nantes was an opportunity to make assessments on marine biotechnology leading fields and meet both researchers and industrials. Communications reported here was focused on bioactive compounds from marine organisms and plants (proteins, peptides, enzymes, lipids, polysaccharides...) and their potential uses in various fields as human or animal nutrition (aquaculture, microbiology) and human health (pharmacy). A special session was dedicated to marine polysaccharides from algae and bacteria, accurate examples on their potential uses as new therapeutic agents have been displayed. The biodiversity of marine resources offers many applications in industrial field and contributes to the expansion of the marine biotechnology.


Auteur: Société européenne pour la biotechnologie marine, Colloque

Editeur: Ifremer

Collection: Actes de colloques

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 12 20Avril

Nombre de pages: 186

Poids: 447

Dimensions: 16,0 x 24,0 x 1,3

Prix publique: 33,50 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9782844331151

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