Sustainability Research in the Upper Rhine Region


The concept of sustainability takes different meanings, depending on the
discipline, and on research and social practices. It can be associated with
new technologies, with societal changes and innovations, and with new modes of
governance. Sustainability has increasingly integrated both individual and
social group lifestyles and values. There is thus increasing awareness on
topics related to environmental protection and the ecological transition, as
well as on new economic challenges, with marked differences from one territory
to another. Associated issues and challenges also include a dimension of
general responsibility, and bear upon the common good. Hence, "sustainability"
is directly linked to international, interdisciplinary and intercultural

This book showcases recent work of scientists who participated in the
International Conference on Sustainability in Strasbourg in September 2018. It
provides a unique and timely interdisciplinary perspective on the status of
sustainability research in the different territories of the Upper Rhine
Region, in an arguably key moment of increasing awareness on sustainability
issues in society at large. Authors examine a variety of theoretical and
cognitive dimensions of sustainability, and relevant methodologies for
analysis. Concrete and reflexive studies at the level of the Upper Rhine
Region are also presented. Collectively, these diverse contributions offer a
vivid and global overview of this highly topical field.


Auteur: Philippe Hamman

Editeur: PU de Strasbourg

Collection: Études alsaciennes et rhénanes

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 12 Décembre 2019

Nombre de pages: 346

Dimensions: 16,5 x 24 x 5,6

Prix publique: 25,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Sciences humaines et sociales, Lettres > Sciences sociales

Code Classification: 3080 > 3081

EAN-13: 9782868205490

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