Beyond the piazza / public and private spaces in modern italian culture


The volume is a collection of essays focussing on the cultural construction, perception and representation of public and private spaces in 20th and 21st century Italian culture. Through the study of a variety of spaces, this book provides an exploration of the notions of private self and public sphere and considers their interaction. It focuses on areas where the spheres of public and private merge, meet or clash, and assesses the role played by spatial practices and representations in the complex coexistence, mutual definition and constant negotiation of public and private.


Auteur: Simona Storchi

Editeur: Peter Lang AG


Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 30 Octobre 2013

Nombre de pages: 232

Dimensions: 22 x 15 x 1,3

Prix publique: 44,65 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Littérature générale > Essais littéraires

Code Classification: 3435 > 3643

EAN-13: 9782875740427

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