Christian Democrat Internationalism
From September 2011 to December 2013 the Luigi Sturzo Institute in Rome along with the Centre of European Studies planned a series of international scientific meetings to study one highly important political subject : the commitment of Christian Democrats on an international level. This project has been organised thanks to the support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and the International Labour Organisation.
Auteur: Jean-Dominique Durand
Editeur: Peter Lang AG
Format: Broché
Presentation: Broché
Date de parution: 31 Décembre 1986
Nombre de pages: 158
Dimensions: 22,5 x 15 x 0,9
Prix publique: 50,50 €
Information complémentaires
Numéro de série: 1990
Classification: Histoire > Histoire de l'entre-deux guerres (1919-1939)
Code Classification: 3377 > 3391
EAN-13: 9782875742254
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