Abstract Reasoning : Hudson-Selor-Epso

Abstract Reasoning : Hudson-Selor-Epso - Laurent Dubois


The mechanisms of Selor-Hudson abstract reasoning tests (1rst part) and of EPSO-CEE selection tests (2d part) through short, simple and clear explanations, and numerous exercices. For Hudson-Selor tests, a foolproof method that ensures the success and very high scores, either in the "black spots", "dices", ' Fx ' version (7 transformations) or in the "dominoes" version (9 transformations). Thanks to the notation, you should not remember anything . In addition, you realize yourself if you have made a mistake, and you can correct it easily. For EPSO and IQ tests type, you significantly increase your performance thanks to the explanations of recurring mechanisms and to new ways to se...


Auteur: Laurent Dubois


Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 14 Mars 2016

Nombre de pages: 192

Dimensions: 14,8 x 21 x 1,2

Prix publique: 24,99 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Management, Gestion et Économie d'entreprise

Code Classification: 3177

EAN-13: 9782930656410

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