Economic Innovation Of Transnational Migrants And Refugees In Addis Ababa

Economic Innovation Of Transnational Migrants And Refugees In Addis Ababa - Collectif


Ethiopia lies in the Horn of Africa, surrounded by political tension and conflict. The most populated land in the region is home to millions of refugees and migrants while also exporting a large number of workers. Addis Ababa is the capital of this multi-ethnic, civil-war stricken country and has developed into a central migration hub for East Africa. How do these people manage to make a living and build an existence in a city that itself is plagued by high unemployment, overburdened infrastructure and a lack of assistance? What strategies do they follow to escape such sheer hardship and, if necessary, to organize an onward journey? As this study shows, the refugees' survival is made possible by economic innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and an impressive network which mobilizes resources and generates work opportunities. In addition to the support provided by the Diaspora, refugees and migrants themselves represent an underestimated, transformative potential for the city's development.


Auteur: Collectif

Editeur: SEISMO

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 17 Octobre 2024

Dimensions: 15,5 x 22,5 x 0,0

Prix publique: 28,00 €

Information complémentaires

EAN-13: 9783037772928

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