Symphonie n° 3 en mi bémol majeur

Symphonie n° 3 en mi bémol majeur - Robert Schumann


To occupy the post of municipal music director, Schumann came to Düsseldorf on the Rhine in 1850, and it was probably the impressions of the Rhineland that inspired the composer to write his Symphony No. 3.
Schumann s'installa en 1850 à Düsseldorf, ville située sur le Rhin, pour y occuper le poste de directeur municipal de la musique. Ce sont probablement ses impressions de la Rhénanie qui inspirèrent sa 3e symphonie au compositeur.
In a letter to the publisher Simrock, Schumann himself wrote that the peculiarities of Rhenish life had found expression in the work. To Schumann, the view of the Cathedral of Cologne was a highlight of his trips in the area surrounding Düsseldorf; even if there are no records testifying to his attending a church service, it almost seems as if the impressions of such a service are reflected in the fourth movement of the symphony which was originally entitled 'In the Character of the Accompaniment to a Solemn Ceremony'.
op. 97


Auteur: Robert Schumann


Collection: POCHE

Date de parution: 2000

Nombre de pages: 204

Poids: 369

Prix publique: 26,26 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 3

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Arts majeurs > Musique

Code Classification: 3667 > 3676 > 3687

EAN-13: 9783795766535

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