Concerto in D major for violin and orchestra


Korngold's violin concerto op. 35 is one of the most frequently performed violin concertos in the history of music. There is hardly any violin virtuoso and hardly any outstanding conductor who does not have this work in their repertoire.
Now a handy, easily readable pocket score has been published by Eulenburg which allows students and music lovers to study the masterpiece which premièred in 1947.
violin and orchestra
op. 35


Auteur: Erich Wolfgang Korngold


Collection: POCHE

Date de parution: 2006

Nombre de pages: 111

Poids: 318

Prix publique: 27,90 €

Information complémentaires

Numéro de série: 35

Classification: Arts et Beaux livres > Arts majeurs > Musique

Code Classification: 3667 > 3676 > 3687

EAN-13: 9783795768577

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