Inclusive Participation of Local Governments in Mindanao Peace

Inclusive Participation of Local Governments in Mindanao Peace - Hazelyn A. Gaudiano


This book delves into the intricate dynamics of peace agreement between the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Fron) and the Government of the Philippines, specifically focusing on the centuries-old Bangsamoro issue in Mindanao. Despte the intentions of establishing lasting peace, the active involvement of a wide array of government bodies and stakeholders is crucial for the agreement's success.
This study zooms in on the 39 Local Government Units (LGUs) in Maguindanao, examining their participation in the peace negotiations.It examines their efforts in shaping their agendas through alliances, inter-LGU coordination, and articulation of their roles in the peace process.
Moreover, it emphasizes the crucial need for the genuine and representative inclusion of local political actors in both parallel and gorizontal levels of the Mindanao peace process, underlining its significance not only for successful negotiations but also for addressing their vested interests in the pursuit of enduring peace.


Auteur: Hazelyn A. Gaudiano

Editeur: Galda Verlag

Format: Broché

Presentation: Broché

Date de parution: 17 Novembre 2023

Nombre de pages: 92

Dimensions: 15,5 x 23 x 0,6

Prix publique: 39,00 €

Information complémentaires

Classification: Sciences humaines et sociales, Lettres > Sciences sociales > Sociologie du genre

Code Classification: 3080 > 3081 > 3087

EAN-13: 9783962033309

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